Monday, April 28, 2008

Aidilfitri 22 October 2007

Taken at the Photo Studio at Taiping, Perak.

Testing with Photoshop

i was testing with the Photoshop tutorial..not bad huh for the first time trial

Mummy i cant stand the flash light

it not easy to captured falah's with his eyes opened. I noticed a lot of the pictures taken with his eyes closed.

Pictures taken 21june2007

Falah went for Birthday Party-1 years old

this time, falah went to Uncle Izral's son besday party. Actually, falah and this birthday boy was born at the same hospital and just a week difference. Falah supposed to born a later but the because of emergency, was was born earlier than him. Pictures taken on 26 June 2007

[Falah:9th months] first time using DSLR

this is my first time using DSLR. i borrowed the camera from my cousin Abg Faiz. it nikon D50. Thanks to him for trusting me using his camera. I thought it is easy but it is not actually. A lot the the pictures taken we blurry because of my hand shake. Falah was around 9th months.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Candid pictures

This pictures was taken during my frens wedding, Shafidah at Klang. Credit to the photographer from Shutterspeak ;) look at the eye contact..falah realized the photographer is capturing his pictures..soO cute

Smiley falah

while browsing though my harddrive,i couldnt resist to post this pictures.

Oli's wedding |20 September 2007 |

okay, im getting the gear now...

this pictures was taken during my sister in laws wedding. While the bride & groom were changing their cloth for the cutting cake ceremoy, the photographer took my sons pictures.

Credit to Adhadi for his great pictures.

Launching of falah's blogger

salam everyone,

actly its been eversince that i wanted to make a blog for my son. well, my hubby did but it was not updated. i dont even remember the blog url. it is all started as im browsing though my cousin's blog just now. Thanks kak rina.Seeing what u have done really inspired me do it too.

well, i love to take pictures a lot. But most of my son's pictures just been kept in my computers only. So, why not share it with all my friends.

OK, lets get started !!

hi..i'm falah